Friday 21 November 2014

"Stalkers" at Carton

On Tuesday we went to Carton House for the Vanishing Art Exhibition.  On the way in we saw loads of sculptures all over the place like a tap and horses.  We were supposed to fill out a sheet about the things we saw.  Me and Jane found a more fun thing to do thoughh;)
On our way around Carton, we were told that there were some guests there, THE IRISH RUGBY TEAM<3333 We asked a man where they were and he told us.  So me and Jane went to this building and saw them in a Conference Room.  Being as cool as we are, we went into the bathroom for about 20 minutes and waited for them.  Before long, Sadbh and Anna G joined us and we waited.. and waited.. and waited.. 
We decided to give up and just as we were about to leave, a man came out.  He was no other than Sexy Sexton! Trying to keep it cool, Sadbh and Anna walked past but me and Jane might've screamed a bit..  We left this building then and Johnny came out so we asked for a picture.  It is the proudest moment of TY, that's for sure!  Soon after that, Tommy Bowe came out so we were v chuffed!
The security guards then came after us and made sure we left.  I am pretty sure we got sent away from the exhibition, oh no! And to add to this, the following day on the radio there was a message about the team training in Carton with hopefully "no stalkers"...

Friday 14 November 2014

41 sleeps till Christmas!

To get into the mood, fill out the poll on the sidebar about what you'd like from the good man Santa!