Friday 22 May 2015


It is the last IT class of TY so this is the last blog post there will be.

It's been a fab year, did lots of stuff, eg gaisce, made loads of friends, I love you all and have a nice summer xx

Voting day

Today is the day where you can vote for marriage equality.  If you are the right age, gwaan and vote cos we all deserve to marry, no matter who it is to 

#make grĂ¡ the law

And posters like this one aren't true.  Parents will love their child regardless of their sexual orientation and that won't every change so yea xx

Friday 8 May 2015

Bloggin for the lolz

We are not allowed watch Netflix anymore in IT so I have to blog but I don't have much to blog about:/// this week we did Swim a Mile and I did 1/7 of a mile as I was in a group of 7, this was about 10 lengths, how exciting!! gwaaan girlos xx

another thing we learned this week is that Kylie Jenner's lips aren't real so for all of you who tried to get her 'Kylie Jenner lips' and got bruised, I feel sorry for yous!!  The pictures were funny though so heads up:))